Saturday, 27 October 2007
We've moved! My new site is!
Not that blogger hasn't been great for me, and at one stage I guess we did have a pretty special relationship. But you know over the last few weeks I've sort of felt that we've been drifting apart and then last night we had a bit of a chat and we just decided that we needed some time apart. I mean, not that it's irrevocable or anything like that, and we may well one day get back together again, but at the moment it just seems right for us to have a bit of a breather ... A cool-off period. A time to reflect on all the great blogs that we once carved out, and to weigh up - calmly, rationally - whether there's a future for us together.
Anyway! Enough of that piffle!
Jamie at Terinea has done me up a BRILLIANT new website, which is going to blow fusty old blogger out of the water! You can even buy the book there! That's how high-tech we are!
It's at: Just click on the title at the top and you should be there! Billx
Friday, 26 October 2007
Me and the monkey
So instead of that, I will merely provide you with the link. Thus:
It's vomit-inducing stuff of the family at Eurodisney. Why do I put it on - well, it may not be much, but I tell you that pix of the kids are going to be a sight more appetising than pix of me.
To business: Now that we are on the very eve of the Clavier launch day, the phones have just been ringing - ringing! - off the hook as newspapers get wind of this EXTRAORDINARY story that is about to break.
Yesterday it was the turn of the Edinburgh Evening News, the local paper, and I had 30 minutes on the phone with affable Rosalind as I told her about my merry days at Eton and the Soaraway.
And, for the first time, I made a new connection. For I realised there is a genuine link between The Sun and Eton - in that, if you mention that you have served time at either place, there tends to be a collective raise of the hackles. People immediately start to get sniffy.
I also had the Evening News photographer over, along with a trainee, Lewis, who was learning the ropes.
Now one of the main things about being a monkey (journo technical term) is that you have to butter people up. You've got to get the people on side before you start taking their pictures.
Which means, obviously, that you've got to look the part. And above all dress inoffensively.
I didn't have the heart to tell Lewis that a two-inch bolt through the top of his ear would probably not go down well on Fleet Street.
Thursday, 25 October 2007
Windsors - 200 words
Fergus - sorry that the story needed re-working. Here's 200 more words. Do call if there are any problems. Bill
The Windsors’ tour of Germany raised many eyebrows - not least in America, where the New York Times reported: “The Duke’s decision to see for himself the Third Reich’s industries and social institutions and his gestures and remarks during the last two weeks have demonstrated adequately that the abdication did indeed rob Germany of a firm friend, if not indeed a devoted admirer, on the British throne.”
But one of the more bizarre twists of the German tour was that Simpson, before she became the Duchess, had slept with Hitler’s foreign minister, Joachim von Ribbentrop, on 17 occasions.
This extraordinary detail, courtesy of a huge cache of files which were drawn up by concerned bureau chiefs at the FBI, tellingly reveals how Simpson would bed any man with power and influence. Her tally of bedroom conquests was probably at least up there with that of the Duke’s.
The affair began when von Ribbentrop - a former Champagne salesman - was sent to London as German ambassador in 1936 to try and broker a peace deal. In this he ultimately failed - though as a dubious second best, he did succeed in seducing the Prince of Wales’ paramour. ENDS
My first reviews ...
You can imagine how I was rubbing my hands with glee at the prospect of this Niagara - this orgasm - of genuine praise that was about to be showered on me.
First up: Kimbofo.
I didn't like the way things were going when Kimbo said that you had to "wade" through half the book before you got to the sex scenes. Wade? Wade??? What sort of word is that?
Then Kimbo moves on to "a lot of repetition", and Coles' "slightly grating narrative style", before coming up with this killer line at the end: "It won't shatter your world, although it will brighten up a rainy day or, as in my case, a long-haul flight."
Harr-bloody-rumph! I mean I know that I've dished it out quite a few times over the years - all right, many, many times - but boy was I smarting. Kimbo only gave it three measly stars as well.
Anyway, after I'd managed to put a lid on my seething rage - ("wade"??? "slightly grating"??) - I did see that Kimbo did actually make one very good point ... "There is a lot of repetition ... which could easily be sorted out with a little judicious editing."
Exactly! Judicious editing! As opposed to the highly injudicious editing of Tom, the bittersweet publisher. I blame him entirely.
Oh yes, but there was one other review: Altogether nicer, from a woman with quite palpable taste, class, style and general intellectual rigour.
She laid it on with a trowel (which, I tell you, is just how first-time authors like it). Some of her tastier lines: "I really enjoyed this book and ... I shall be keeping a close eye out in future for more from William Coles ..."
Yes indeed - my glistering literary future.
Though I'm afraid the "follow-up" books are more than likely to be a little less polished than the Clavier - but that's because I'm going to be resuscitating at least three of the unpublished turkeys that are still festering in my back cupboard.
Wednesday, 24 October 2007
Questions answered
A picture of wee Geordie ... but who could that be in the background?
Well he's a very well known Disney character; Geordie fell in love with him; and he's got a penchant for crocodiles ... but no more clues.
I spent two hours last night filling out Waterstones' author questionnaire - with about 20 probing questions which try to find out what it is that makes me tick.
A lot of these questions had never, ever occurred to me before. Took some time to mull over. "What book would you never have on your book-shelves?"
Very nasty question - had to think on it for some time. Before - obviously - ducking it altogether. As yet, I can't imagine a single book, not even Katie Price's puke-inducing "Crystal", which I would not have on my shelves.
Next interesting question: "Which fictional character would you most like to meet?" Spent ages on this one. Maybe Raffles; or Flashman; or Sherlock Holmes; or Rumpole (heroic boozer); or Hornblower (bit starchy though).
But in the end I plumped for the one of the biggest knaves of them all: Old Etonian, all-round cad and bounder, Captain James Hook.
One last thought-provoking question: "What book would you give to a friend?" Well it all depends on the friend, doesn't it?
I recently gave Maguire a book, "Countryman's Cooking" by W.Fowler - over 50 years old and utterly hilarious. You particularly want to check out his sublime recipe for cooking a cormorant.
But would I give Fowler's chirpy cook-book to my wife - or indeed to any woman? Inadvisable ... not to mention dangerous ...
Tuesday, 23 October 2007
The problem with assumptions ...
Monday, 22 October 2007
Havering on
You will be able to read my full match report in the Mail this week, probably Wednesday.
However, just between you and me, it's got to be a pretty special holiday if it's going to involve such a vast amount of travelling.
I'm now beginning to understand why my dad did not care to take his two boys on any journey that was over an hour long.
Havering: A very fine term. Scottish, you know, means to blither on witlessly with no purpose and no end in sight.
Now I met the good burghers of Havering on Wednesday night - and I can tell you I was pretty pumped. Energised. Like Frank Bruno going into the ring for the fight of his life.
Had spent all afternoon prepping up, writing up the script in full.
And then I arrived 30 minutes before the off. Had a half-pint to steady myself (but not too much to get ratted), and I was in. Binned my notes, and started telling them weird stories about my life.
I don't know but ... I think they liked it. (I had adopted Tom the publisher's mantra - pick out the two most glam women in the audience and fix your beady eyes on them. Thanks Tom - you Casanova, you)
Well I havered on, and delighted in landing Tom the Casanova in the mire over his wretched additions of that vomit-making word "bitter-sweet".
And then at the end. Any questions?
One woman pipes up and says, "You should be on Have I got News For You!"
Ahh me. Balm to my ears
Thursday, 18 October 2007
The randy rascal himself
However, it is rather uplifting to see that - just occasionally - I can call in the odd favour.
Little item in today's Soaraway. Topping their "Whip" column.
And you never know ... it might, just possibly, lead to something:
"Former Eton boy William Coles has written a novel about a torrid affair between a 17-year-old pupil and his 23-year-old female piano teacher at his old school.
"The former Sun Royal reporter says the incident is based on a "true story" - though he wasn't the randy rascal himself. [Randy rascal indeed! Are they stuck in the 1950s?]
"However, one classmate was Tory MP "Bonking Boris" Johnson and Princess Di's brother Earl Spencer - not noted as a puritan - was in the same year.
"Others looking for clues in the book, The Well-Tempered Clavier, will doubtless be Tory leader Dave Cameron, who was two years below the author.
"Now who in this titivating trio can tinkle the ivories?"
Wednesday, 17 October 2007
My bittersweet publisher
"I don't know why," he said. "But I just love the word, "bitter-sweet"."
It's an all right word, I suppose. Definitely a bit cheesey, a bit flowery.
Though most definitely not a word I have ever used. EVER.
I shrugged my shoulders and thought no more of it.
Until last night.
Last night, I was just deciding which reading to give at the Havering book fest, and I was going through The Well-Tempered Clavier in detail for the first time - and there it was: "Bittersweet memories".
Weird. I couldn't remember writing that.
I studied the text more carefully - and there it was again. And again. Bitter-sweet love. Bitter-sweet relationship.
It gradually dawned on my that somebody had been monkeying with the final draft.
I could feel my gorge beginning to rise.
Finally, finally, I got to the end of the book - and breathed a sigh of relief that at least Tom the publisher had had the decency not to tinker with the last page.
And then I turned the book over and read the back-page blurb.
Its final paragraph?
"Twenty-five years on, Kim recalls that heady summer and how their fledgling relationship was so brutally snuffed out - finished off by his enemies, by the constraints of Eton, and by his own withering jealousy. The Well-Tempered Clavier is the bittersweet story of a life-changing love."
Tuesday, 16 October 2007
Havering on
And so it is that although I have had more than a month to prepare for my first book talk at Havering, I have done precisely nothing about it.
So, with just the correct degree of buttock-clenching tension, I set to work this afternoon. Drafted out a few notes. Decided on the bits of the book that do justice to the true beauty of The Well-Tempered Clavier.
And then Maguire calls.
"What are you doing?" he asks. "Where the hell are you anyway?"
"I'm in a pub," I said. "I'm giving a talk in Havering library tomorrow."
"Havering?" he says. "HAVERING? You're giving your first book talk in Havering? How very appropriate!"
"Why the hell's it appropriate to be talking in Havering? Where is Havering anyway?"
"Well, Mr Coles," he said. "Havering, as any true Scot could tell you, means to blather on witlessly and endlessly and to no purpose."
"Yes! To haver - to just keep blethering on about absolute crap."
"Wow!" I said. "That IS appropriate!"
Saturday, 13 October 2007
Almond-skinned beauties
Friday, 12 October 2007
The half-wit ...
Thursday, 11 October 2007
Gutted in the extreme
He took great delight in telling me all about it too ...
Amongst many other things, I've been endeavouring to turn The Well-Tempered Clavier into a bestseller before it's even hit the book-shelves.
Now wouldn't that be tasty? Already move onto the second print run before the book's come out.
So naturally, along with sending out the Clavier promo video to my mates, I've been sending out the Amazon link, just so you can get your order in nice and early.
However ...
When you click onto the Amazon page, you see that down the bottom there is a little posting saying, "Other books looked at ..." These books, presumably, might be a little similar to my own.
Well ... the weird thing is that the book that everyone is taking a peek at after mine is by my ex-wife Anna Pasternak ...
I'm sure she would be gutted in the extreme to learn that the Clavier book is currently being bracketed in the same class as Daisy Dooley Does Divorce ...
Wednesday, 10 October 2007
You are invited!
But I think that, much more likely, it's actually down on to my own natural indolence.
I have a slight problem, you see, with the invites for the Clavier launch.
Which is two weeks away.
And I still haven't got round to posting the invites. Haven't even got hold of the hard copies yet! EEEEEEKKKK!
So, just in case you might be interested in drinking cheap wine and buying a copy of The Well-Tempered Clavier, here are the details.
We've got an Edinburgh launch at Valvona and Crolla on Elm Row on Friday October 26, 6.30pm ...
And for those of you in Scotland who just can't get enough of all this headache-inducing alcohol, there will also be a launch at Foyles bookshop on Charing Cross Road, Tuesday October 30, 6.30pm. Consider yourself invited!
Tuesday, 9 October 2007
A saucy one.
Got my first look at The Well-Tempered Clavier yesterday - oh and very tasty it is too.
One might almost call the cover "classical", were it not for the fact that the woman in the picture has her leg cocked up over the man's rump.
Tom the publisher handed the book over in a restaurant, eyes expectantly on me. I think he was hoping that I was going to burst into tears.
Hah! Does he seriously think I'm going to start piping my eye, just because I've got my first book in my hands?
He genuinely expected me to go, "My first book! Waaah, waaah," before dissolving into a heap of drooling gunk on the floor.
So I scanned the book through. A bizarre feeling I can tell you.
And then I very nearly did start weeping - tears of ABSOLUTE RAGE.
There'd already been one error in the dedication, which I'd just caught before Tom sent it off the the printers. The book is dedicated to "Margot, my wife". But somehow Tom had managed to leave the "T" off Margot's name. Excruciating. It doesn't bear thinking about.
But one thing that DID slip through the net was that he'd manage to leave out a very important person from the Acknowledgements, Paul Hill from Nottingham. How he did it, I just have no idea.
"Very sorry," said Tom the publisher. "Just blame me."
"That's OK," he replied. "Whenever I'm landed in the shit, I always blame the author."
The bloody nerve of him ...
Saturday, 6 October 2007
Cheery as hell
Well - I try to remain upbeat. Cheery. Even in the face of the most appalling adversity.
But this postal strike has been getting up my nose.
Next week, I'm not just sending out the launch invitations, but I'm sending out the books too; over 200 of the little darlings will be going out to the press and any big cheeses we can think of.
And then we discover that there's a week-long postal strike.
The books won't even get in the post till about next Friday - and when they do eventually arrive, there will be at the bottom of a sack-load of other brand new books.
But are we downhearted??
Friday, 5 October 2007
The cretin
I am, very occasio-nally, capable of having a good idea.
But, more often than not, they tend not to be quite fully thought through.
Did anyone mention the word cretinous?
So, just for the sake of example, I have been attempting to get this great book "The Well-Tempered Clavier" off the ground in any number of ways.
There's this blog for a kicker. Then there all the fliers I'm doing. And of course the video.
But yesterday, I had an absolute corker: Smilers.
Smilers are dinky little stamps that you can order from the Royal Mail. Just download your picture - in my case the Clavier cover - and put in your order for over 200 stamps. A few days later, along come your Smilers and all your scores of First Class stamps.
Quite, quite brilliant. Just perfect for all the launch invites that go out next week.
How was it though that I managed to get my order in on the very eve of a week-long postal strike?
Thursday, 4 October 2007
Margot the editor
Ever eager to help get The Well-Tempered Clavier book off the ground, I've just ordered up 1,000 postcards.
These fliers will be handed out on the streets by my vagrant friends in Edinburgh.
Now I'm not saying that the design of the flier is great. But it does the job. It's got a picture of the book-cover on the front, and a bit of blurb on the back.
Certainly looked fine to me.
And then my wife, Margot the editor, took a look. And started making some suggestions.
I made a few notes. She made a few more suggestions.
I scribbled away.
And then Margot said, "Tell you what, why don't I take this off to Prontaprint? I'll tell them what they've got to do."
Fine by me.
Should have left it to her in the first place. If you're married to an editor, then you don't want to start coming up with some of your own home-made designs - because believe you me, you will invariably bodge it.
Wednesday, 3 October 2007
Having your cake and eating it
Tuesday, 2 October 2007
The Well-Tempered Clavier - The Movie
Not another picture of me - no. For a kicker, he's a lot uglier than me - and for seconds, he's a lot smaller.
But he does have a certain brooding edginess about him ...
This boy is, of course, Jamie Bell - star of Billy Elliot and, most recently, Hallam Foe.
And, although it might be a little bit previous - seeing as I haven't even sold the film rights to The Well-Tempered Clavier yet (nor have received even the slightest interest them) - it occurred to me that I ought to start sizing up a few prospective stars.
My bone-headed chum Tim Maguire suggested Daniel Radcliffe, fresh from slaughtering horses in Equus.
But Bell does it for me. That haunted, Byronesque quality; the pain, the tortured horror - all of the emotions, that is, that come from going to Eton.
Besides, if Jamie can master a bit of ballet-dancing, then learning a few Bach preludes should be an absolute snap ...
Monday, 1 October 2007
The Clavier Logo
Something that manages to get across the fact that this is a heart-breaking love story, while also conveying my immense pride at having been to Eton in the first place.
I discussed the matter with Giles Pilbrow, who is my top gag-meister. He used to do Spitting Image and 2DTV.
He spent days mulling it over. But nothing was really quite right. And then, after a full week, he came up with the sublime line, "Eton 'n' Drinkin'".
"Not at all bad," I said. "But I still want more."
Back he went to the drawing-board. And finally, finally, this weekend he dreamt up a simple line that, for me, captures the very essence of an Eton education ... I've Been Eton.
I may even have it knocked up on a few T-shirts.